Port of Antwerp

Notification of arrival of export consignment

Used by the "trader at exit" to notify the Customs office in the port of exit when the goods physically arrive at the terminal.

Under the European Export Control System (ECS) the "trader at exit" has to notify the Customs authorities in the country of origin when the goods arrive. In the port of Antwerp the trader at exit is considered to be the terminal operator. The terminal operator sends the notification of arrival to Customs when the goods physically arrive on the terminal. The terminal operator obtains the details for the Customs declaration from the declarant or the latter's representative.

How does it work?

When the container arrives on the terminal (by truck, barge or train), the terminal operator checks whether an MRN number (= number of the Customs declaration) for the container is known in the e-Desk database. The terminal operator then sends a CODECO message (container) to Customs. This electronic message confirms the arrival of the container on the terminal and creates a link with the Customs declaration (MRN number). On the basis of this, Customs carry out a risk analysis and decide whether an exit inspection (scanning or physical inspection) is required.

For breakbulk, the notification of arrival is sent to Customs from Cubix, the central breakbulk application.


  • Greater security within the transport chain
  • Time savings
  • Faster confirmation of exit