Port of Antwerp

Terminal planning (barge)

Used by the terminal operator to call up a list of requests by container barges, in the Barge Traffic System (BTS). This unique electronic planning platform makes it much easier to plan your terminal operations.

Container barges frequently call at more than one terminal during a port visit. To simplify the administration for a port visit, a unique electronic planning platform, the Barge Traffic System (BTS), was set up in 2007.

How does it work?

The Barge Traffic System web application enables barge operators to request a berth reservation for one or more terminals in order to load or unload containers. A terminal that serves container barges in turn can use this application to approve, update or refuse berth requests. A conflict control system alerts the terminals if the estimated time of arrival is not feasible, taking into account the estimated handling time and the average time taken to get from one terminal to another. This makes scheduling easier for the terminal operator. If necessary the terminals can coordinate their schedules.

Corporate systems can exchange XML messages with BTS by means of machine-to-machine communication.


  • Fewer errors, thanks to one-time input and proactive conflict control
  • Simple, interactive scheduling of call and handling
  • Terminal information and scheduling information permanently available
  • Simple, flexible and uniform method of requesting berths
  • Cost savings and fast handling
  • Shorter waiting times and less congestion for barges

For more information, consult the BTS website or send an email to bts@havenvanantwerpen.be.