Port of Antwerp

Container loading/unloading order (sea transport)

Used to send an order to a terminal operator for containers to be loaded into or unloaded from a seagoing ship, and to receive confirmation once it has been carried out, with effective information on the containers loaded/unloaded.

The terminal operator sends a confirmation to the ship's agent for containers to be loaded or unloaded into or from a seagoing ship.

How does it work?

The terminal operator compares the shipping company's BAPLIE file (the stowage plan for the ship that is about to leave) with the COPRAR message from the ship's agent (containers to be loaded/unloaded in Antwerp, with specifications). Once the containers have been handled, the terminal operator sends a COARRI message to the ship's agent with the information concerning the containers that have been actually loaded or unloaded.

Wat zijn de voordelen?

  • Electronic processing of container information means fewer errors and less administrative work
  • Huge efficiency gains in processing the loading and unloading orders