Notification of arrival of export consignment Used by the "trader at exit" to notify the Customs office in the port of exit when the goods physically arrive at the terminal.
ISPS declaration Used to send an ISPS Declaration electronically to the authorities concerned when sending ships to an EU port.
Notification of arrival (seagoing ship) Used by the Port Authority to notify the Customs authorities, via APICS, when a seagoing ship bound for Antwerp actually moors at the berth.
Notification of exit (seagoing ship) Used by the Port Authority to inform the Customs authorities, via APICS, when a seagoing ship unmoors from its berth and leaves the port via the lock.
MRN exchange Used by the "trader at exit" when particular goods arrive on the terminal, to inform the Customs authorities in the port of exit, as required by the EU Export Control System (ECS).